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NSFW content survey 😊 (pls pls pls fill this out for ya hubby lol i wanna know how u feel about my content so gimme ur thoughts bbg hehehe)

LINK TO THE SURVEY: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf69evLsOpm9c_pwnreo7t5jFKFvMk9D62FG0s_TevPlRenrg/viewform?usp=sf_link

Hey there my sexy mamis. It's been a year now since I made my first NSFW audio! I'm not sure why, but I still feel so new to this haha. However, I also think it's super important that I get some feedback from you guys. I want to make the best content I can, and getting insight from my listeners will be super valuable!

So if you can, please take some time out to fill in the survey above! If you've had something you've been itching to tell me, now's the time. And I'd like you to be brutally honest! If you hate my audios, tell me you hate them! I want to know how everyone feels so that I can be better for you guys. Remember, you're paying for them lol, so it's in both our interests that I be the best the I can be :)

Thank you so much for sticking around :)

I'm considering introducing a new tier too BTW. I'm in another country for the month and have a lot of free time at work (they give me no work lmaooo), so I'm going to use this to plan on my Patreon and website to bring more stuff out for you guys! Byeeeeeee <33333